понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

acid etching concrete staining

Okay, so my mac is pissing me off.
everytime i type a journal entry, the whole gets deleted purely by accident..�
this is my THIRD time writing this blasted entry

so my fare to England had jumped by about 50 dollars in price :S �i donapos;t get it.. The price of fuel has gone down.. The economy is shit.. �i just donapos;t get it.. .plus the rate for buying sterling is retchid.. When i checked today the rate was about $2.09.. Like EWWWWW... And i still have to buy another 100 pounds at least.. Good lord.. Why did i stop buying sterling in the summer?? oh right, apos;cause iapos;m about $8 000 in debt to visa.. Right right.. Itapos;s okay though, iapos;m buying my ticket next month with money i donapos;t have, and itapos;ll be for a good price with british airways... Itapos;s all good.. Iapos;ve got my positive thinking hat on.. And big fucking smile on my face, itapos;ll work out for the best iapos;m sure.

so that guy i met on Saturday.. Yeah i donapos;t think thatapos;s gonna go anywhere... �something tells me it was some sort of bet, to see if he could talk to me, or get my number or something.. Why in the world did i go back to Taps to talk to this guy? i never talked to him for the 3 hours i was there, we just kept eyeing each other.. He never came out for a smoke, although turned out he was a smoker.. Then stupid me goes back to talk to the guy who was eyeing me.. We hang out for a couple of hours, we exchange digits... He says he wants to do drinks.. Does that constitute a date? �and then... He doesnapos;t call or text message.. Yes i realise it is only monday.. Really itapos;s only been one day.. But we texted when i got home saturday night/sunday morning.... And it seemed as though going for drinks would happen.. Iapos;m just being petty, this i know... But as i just said to my friend, if weapos;re meant to go on a date, then itapos;ll happen, if not, then whatever..�

okay fine i texted him today around 5ish, and he never got back to me, itapos;s been like 2 hours.. Hmmm... This is how shit got screwy between me john... I deleted hughapos;s number, so now, i canapos;t talk to him or message or call him even if i wanted to. �take that ego, confidence go back to being shit, like you were before.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

florida oil paintings

Onze liefde voor elkaar,
zal nooit iemand mogen weten.
Onze liefde is voor ons een gevaar,
wat niemand snel zal vergeten.

Een lange tijd heb ik er
tegen gevochten,
Geprobeerd mijn liefde voor
jou geheim te houden.
Ik merkte dat mijn gevoelens
steeds de jouwe zochten,
maar moest je gewoon als een
vriend beschouwen.

Onze liefde zal heel wat
mensen ongelukkig maken,
het is onze taak om dat
te voorkomen.
We zullen elkaar nooit aan
mogen raken.
Onze liefde mag alleen voortleven
in onze dromen.

Misschien dat er ooit nog
een kans bestaat,
dat wij samen in liefde
mogen gaan leven,
en alles een stuk beter gaat.
Tot dan zal ik de hoop nooit
opgeven en me liefde voor
jou zal blijven voortleven.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

ashton chartered accountant

I think this happened a year ago. My brother was in the bathroom shaving his hair and he calls in over to pass him something in his room. Iapos;m waiting outside the door, holding the "whatever" that I had to give him, then I hear something that sounds like a bunch of glass bottles clanking together, then a crash.

"Oops." he says
"What happened?"
"A bunch of your nail polish bottles just broke."
"WHAT?" (Iapos;m a nail polish junkie) *thinks* "Please be the ugly pink color that broke.." He opens the door.

I was devestated.

Pathetic that I get attached to such trivial things, but what? Every girl has her fetish; nicely polished nails are mine. I partly think that Iapos;m still mad at him for what happened that day. But Iapos;ve let the grudge go: I found that color again (: It was harder to find then I thought. I was even trying to think of the color# that was on the top of the bottle, but it when I remembered back to that day, I realized that the number was covered with the nail polish from the bottle; it covered it when it broke =/

I hate miderms. I hate midterms that are spread out. Iapos;m stuck in like a hermit for this weekend, and Iapos;ll be a hermit again for the next. That and work really sucks. Its funny how my dadapos;s day was today: He got up at around noon, sang karaoke for a few hours with mom, went back to sleep again at 2pm, then woke up again at around 6pm where he proceeded to root himself to the couch to watch tv. How was my day?: 7:40am wake up call (supposed to be 7, but Iapos;m a snooze whore), trying not to be late for work at 9:30am, 2:30pm try to rush and get home to eat and not be late for bowling, 3:30pm go to bowling and "do the doubles" (Iapos;m not even gonna try to explain that), get home around 6pm for my dad to ask me if I bought him any chocolate (he just got up from his nap) Now, who seems like the kid to you? Aish.

I should hit the books. I hate the phrase, but I have to "hit the books".
...Iapos;d rather just hit my books, thanks.

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